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HR / Business Management

Bamboo HR - HR software to managing most aspects employee hiring, onboarding, contracts/documents, off-boarding.

Tech Links

Dynamic Solutions - Dynamic Solutions is a professional software development firm with a single focus: helping clients leverage internet technology to solve their toughest problems.

InfoTech VI - Portal - Vancouver Island's Technology Portal: press releases, events, Island news, job postings, forums, and weekly articles!

Producitivity Tools

Grammarly - Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistant.

RoboForm - Encrypted password manager for most devices (iPhone, Android, Windows, Apple OS X) and browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and sync across all of them, have your passwords handy when traveling and still secured behind a secondary master key or finger print

Sync.com - File sync software to your computers, Canadian servers, secure, and 100% private.

SR Fax - The Canadian and more secure version of online fax, very reasonable prices, and based in BC, Canada.

Do-it Yourselfer's

1and1 - Web Hosting - For those of you that can modify DNS MX and A records, create stable websites and upload the files with FTP, check these guys out for hosting.

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